Best Barbarian Camp Level 5 Layout with Link
Best Level 5 Barbarian Camp Layout - Strong Against Ground and Air Attacks! Best for Raid Weekends - Clash of Clans.
This barabarian camp level 5 layout is carefully designed to defend well against ground or air attacks.
These are Top 10 Best Barbarian Camp Level 5 Layouts that defended well during raid weekends in clash of clans Feb 2024.
Both rocket artillery is placed at center surrounded by giant cannons and multi mortars to counter graveyard spell attacks.
Each house is carefully placed ahead of defenses to let them engage for longer time before they reach defenses.
Air defenses are placed evenly across this barbarian camp 5 base to counter super dragons or rocket loon attacks.
Super giant posts are placed near rocket artillery to tank incoming enemy troops and crush them even before they reach core area.
Overall this is solid barbarian camp base design to use for defense during capital raid wekeends.Â
Enemy will have hard time to 3 shot this base in 3 attacks.