Symmetric TH9 Base War - Anti 2 Star | Clash of Clans
Copy this TH9 Base Directly in Game. Symmetric TH9 Base for Clan War - Anti 2 Star. Clash of Clans Base - Ref 3
Best Clan Castle (CC) Troops for this TH9 Base - War : Lava Hound, Dragon Rider, Loons
At Town Hall 9 you can get max 30 housing space in your Clan Castle (CC).
Type of Base : Clan War, Trophy Base.
TH9 Base Design Style : Anti 2 Star War Base.
Features of this Town Hall 9 Layout:
- Town Hall is located at center and protected by Xbows, CC.
- Air defenses are placed apart symmetrically.
- Symmetrical style base for Clan Wars or Trophy.
- Compact Base Design.
Copy this New Town Hall 9 Base Directly in Game. Best "TH9 Base - War - Anti 2 Star" - Clash of Clans Base 2023.