Best TH13 Anti 2 Star Layout For Clash of Clans

Best TH13 Anti 2 Star Layout for Clash of Clans! Effective tile spacing, strategic Inferno placement and CC troops like Ice Golems makes its hard to score 3 stars #coc #th13warbase

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Best TH13 Anti 2 Star Layout For Clash of Clans
Best TH13 Anti 2 Star Layout for Clash of Clans

This TH13 Layout for Clash of Clans has performed exceptionally well in Legend League matches (5,000+ trophies) making it strong choice for Clan Wars, CWL or Home Village.

Key factors that makes this base great is reachability and spacing. Reachability refers to distance needed for ranged troops to attack (3 tiles for most ranged units, 5 tiles for Archer Queen).

Spacing on other hand can prevent lightning chain attacks from Electro Dragons, Giants and Valkyries with typically 2 tile gap.

Hero Hall and Helper Hut Marked These are New Defenses After Update

New buildings such as Hero Hall and Helper Hut have been strategically placed making sure that there are no gaps in this base design.

Inferno Tower's position is highly effective which allows it to target troops and deal high damage. Recommended Clan Castle troops for this base are Ice Golems or Super Minions.

Update: Based on reddit community feedback we found gap near Hidden Teslas. Now link has been updated to fix this tile spacing near Hero Banner.