COC TH16 Base Layouts: Top 3 War - Merged Defenses for Clash of Clans

Top 3 Unbeatable TH16 Clash of Clans Bases for War, Legend League. Professionally Designed COC TH16 Bases. Anti Everything, Anti 3 Star and Legend League Designs

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COC TH16 Base Layouts: Top 3 War - Merged Defenses for Clash of Clans
COC TH16 Base Layouts: Top 3 War - Merged Defenses for Clash of Clans

Top 3 Clash of Clans TH16 War Base Layouts and Obstacle Base

These are most power top 3 powerful th16 bases with merged defenses that you can use for clan wars, legend league matches.

There is also a town hall 16 obstacle base added with all merged defenses at number 3 that you can use it for obstacles to appear outside.

Enemies will never be able to 3 star these town hall 16 base designs especially made for clan war. 

  • Use these th16 layouts for your clan and win clan war defense or legend league battles.
  • Improve your existing th16 base design this will help you prevent enemies from scoring 3 star vistory.
  • Become a pro at defending your home village with these expertly designed COC TH16 bases.

If you are a Town Hall 15 player then here are some Top TH15 bases for Clash of Clans wars are truly powerful and can help you defeat your enemies.

You can modify these town hall 15 bases and use it as TH16 War Base.

At Number 1 : Best Town Hall 16 Base - Anti Everything

This TH16 Base is extremely powerful and it can defeat any ground or air troop attacks.

People that tried to use blimp attack along with super archers have failed to 3 star this town hall 16 base.

Best Town Hall 16 Base


Copy Base in Game

You can also use one of these Top 10 Town Hall 16 Layouts for Legend League Matches plus a obstacle base included.

At Number 2: Unbeatable TH16 Base Design - Anti 3 Star

Most important part about this th16 base design is that it balances air and ground defense well.

Its is extremely difficult to funnel this th16 layout, this makes sure enemy stays on track and helps your defenses to get enough time to defeat enemy troops.

Anti 3 Star - TH16 Base Design


Copy Base in Game

TH16 Obstacle Base with all merged defenses

This TH16 Base will not be counted as war base as it for creating obstacles near outer boundaries. You'll find number 3 th16 base next.

Obstacles can only spawn on edge of the base. Feel free to edit as you see fit. 

SEE ALSO: COC TH15 Base Layouts: Top 5 War Bases for Clash of Clans

TH16 Obstacle Base - Merged defense


Copy Base in Game

At Number 3: Pro TH16 Base Layout - Legend League

With these powerful TH16 war bases you can become a legend league Player.

Defend best town hall 16 players and secure your place in legends league.

TH16 Base Legend League - LL


Copy Base in Game

If you want to be a pro clash of clans player and perfom well in clan war you can use these TH16 designs.

Learn how to build bases from these town hall 16 designs, this will help you to defend well and protect your base.

You can also improve your th16 base layout and get ideas from these powerful legendary Clash of Clans Town Hall 16 bases.

Also for Capital Hall 10 Players Find Top 10 Best Capital Hall Level 10 Layouts with Link