How to Unlock Electro Titan | New Troop CoC
New Troop COC: When You Use Multiple Electro Titans Their Aura Will Stack And Multiply Damage Depending On How Many Electro Titans You Have
Unlock new troop in CoC with name Electro Titan at town hall level 14 and barracks level 16.
At level 3 Electro Titan have 8.2k hit points and occupies 32 housing space, 6min to train them.
Electro Titan can target both ground and Air Troops.
RELATED: To find Electro Titan Upgrade cost check CoC Guide
Electro Titan can emit aura wave causing constant damage to defenses and troops.
Electrical Aura wave range appears to be around 4 tiles each side no other troop can do this damage like our new coc troop (Titan)
- They will attack nearest target first however if there are CC troops around then they engage them first instead of defenses. Remember aura emitted by electro titan will not cause any damage to surrounding walls.
- Rage spell does not increase the aura damage only base damage of electro titan will have impact.
- Every electro titan you deploy will add to overall aura damage provided they are in range.
- CoC NEW Troop Electro Titans can get rid of skeleton traps quickly. If you are using a hero walk then placing a electro titan it would clear sketelon traps quickly.
- Electro titan can melt cc troops like archers, witches with many skeleton summons.
You might not need even a poison spell if you use electro titan to counter these troops.
Also lava hound summons wont last longer with titans. Electro Titan combination works well with Yetis and Witches.
You can funnel one side of the base with electro titan and clear other and push the rest to center of the base.
It is definetly worth to try this new coc troop.
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