Pro Town Hall 15 Base - Anti 3 Star | Klaus TH15 Base
Copy this Town Hall 15 Base Directly in Game. Best TH15 Base for Clan War - Anti 3 Star | Clan War League - COC Base - Ref 57
Best Clan Castle (CC) Troop for this TH15 Base : Super Minions x4, Ice Golems.
Type of Base : Champion League - Klaus TH15 Base.
TH15 Base Design Style : Anti 3 Star Base.
Features of this Town Hall 15 Base:
- Town Hall is placed around SE direction slightly outside to trick attacker to use attack from this end.
- Clan Castle is placed at center. Air defenses placed near outer walls.
- Best Layout for Clan War League.
- Anti Ground/ Air Base Design.
SEE ALSO : ALL Town Hall 15 War Base
SEE ALSO: MasterClash with Master Clash - Judo Sloth put together to make your way up to Town Hall 9 a breeze!
Copy this TH15 Base Directly in Game. Best "Best TH15 Base - Anti 3 Star Design" - Clash of Clans Bases April 2023.