Best TH2 - TH16 Base Designs | Clash of Clans Updated

Best TH2 - TH16 Base Designs for Wars, Farming and Trophies. Top 10 Best Anti 3 Star Layouts With Link Included for Every Town Hall Level - Clash of Clans - COC Base

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Best TH2 - TH16 Base Designs | Clash of Clans Updated
Best Clash of Clans TH2 - TH16 Base Designs for Wars, Farming and Trophies -

Best Clash of Clans TH2 - TH16 Base Designs for Wars, Farming and Trophies - 2024

These are most powerful bases (TH2 - TH16 Base with Links) that can used used for clan wars, farming, trophy and legend league matches.

Players commonly use Layouts such as Anti 1 Star, Anti 2 Star, Anti 3 Stars and Anti Everything for War, Farming and Trophy Bases in Clash of Clans.

Pro Base Designers created Anti 1 Star base to prevent enemies from reaching Town Hall. Anti 2 Star Layout to make it difficult for enemies to score 2 stars easily by placing Town Hall at center.

Anti 3 Star Base to defend base from attackers scoring 3 stars. Town Hall is placed near outer edges to cause sufficient initial damage to troops making it easy to 2 star but hard to 3 star.

  • There are two main types of defenses. One is meant to surprise attackers and mess up their plan. The other slows down certain attacks, making them run out of time.
  • Your king, queen, and royal champion are great for defense. The king has a lot of health, making it hard for most troops to beat him alone. The royal champion and queen deal a ton of damage, known for ruining attacks.
  • Because the king is so tough, he's good at stopping certain attacks. It's a good idea to put him near the town hall. The queen and royal champion should be placed apart, with two defenses between them.
  • Besides having them inside the base, it's smart to put them in the outer defenses. This can surprise attackers who expect to heal inside the base, making them use a heal on the outer defenses instead.

These are best war base layouts for TH4 - TH16 For TH2 and TH3 players you can find bases at the end.

Different types of Town Hall Base Layouts:

  • Farming Base: Pro COC Base designers mainly created this type of base layouts to protect resources such as Gold, Elixir or Dark Elixir. There are more traps and stronger defenses placed around resources. This will prevent attackers from stealing loots.
  • Trophy Base: These Bases proritize defense over resource protection. More Trophies = Higher League placement.
  • War Base: Mainly Designed for Clan Wars or CWL. War base main goal is to prevent enemy from scoring easy 3 stars.
  • Hybrid Base: This is a combination of Farming and Trophy Base. In some cases player wants to protect loots as well as trophies in such case this base is useful.

Best Town Hall 11 Farming Base Example:

Best TH11 Farming Base 2024

Copy Base in Game

Most powerful defenses for th13 and above base are town hall, monolith, infernos, eagle artillery, scatter shots, royal champion and the queen.

We call them "major defenses" because they're super important when you're planning how to build your th15 base.

When you set up inferno compartments, you want to make sure troops go around your infernos and target other defenses.

Remember to think about where the troops go, the stone slammer, how far the queen can reach and how you spread out the value.

Top 10 Best Town Hall 16 Base 2024 Updated

TH16 Base Layouts - Clash of Clans 2024

Top 10 Most Powerful Town Hall 16 Base Layouts With Links in Clash of Clans 2024. Anti-3 Star, Anti-electro Dragon, Anti Everything Layouts, Progress and Obstacles Base included.

We have also added Top 5 TH16 Base Layouts that are from esports community. Strong Against Air and Ground Attacks.

Top 4 TH15 Base Diamond and Legend League - Anti 3 Star

TH15 Base - Diamond and Legend League

Master Defense with Elite