Clan Capital Upgrade Guide - COC

Best Clan Capital Upgrade Guide: Make Sure to Upgrade Army Camps and Barracks First. Raid Medals Can Be Used for Buying Potions, Gold, Elixir or House Items in Clash of Clans

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Clan Capital Upgrade Guide - COC
Clan Capital COC Guide - Terms, Raid Weekends, Strategy - Clash of Clans

Clan Capital Upgrade Guide - Raid Weekends, Defense, Attack Strategy - COC

To begin with we will start with most important terms used in game. First term is District: The Clan Capital is made up of several "villages" each of which is called a district.

There are different districts like Capital Peak, Barbarian Camp, Wizard Valley, Balloon Lagoon, Builders Workshop, Dragon Cliffs, Golem Quarry, Skeleton park and Goblin Mines.

All of these districts put together make up Clan Capital. It is not simply one district, but sum of all districts. 

Clan Capital Districts - Clash of Clans 2023
That is to say, as you are moving between districts, you are seeing the full map. This should not be mistaken for Capital Peak.

Capital Peak is the first district you unlock and is located at top of mountain, "Town Hall" of your Capital Peak district is called Capital Hall.

Capital Hall has weapon on top and most importantly upgrading your Capital Hall allows you to unlock new districts and upgrade other District Halls.

Although the Town Hall at Capital Peak is known by its own name, the other districts "Town Halls" are only referred to as District Halls.

Capital Gold is the currency that can be used in Clan Capital to build and upgrade any buildings, defences, traps and troops.

Raid Medals are awarded at the end of each Raid Weekend and are obtained by attacking and defending during Raid Weekends.

Raid Medals can be exchanged for important goods from the trader, such as potions, resources for the Home Village and Builder Base, etc.

Or they can be used to add your clan castle troops by trading with Raid Medals.

If you are looking for best army for your home village then check out this: CoC Army for Every TownHall Level

When does Raid Weekends take place ?

Raid Weekends take place every weekend. They begin on Friday at 7am UTC and end on Monday at same time.

What Are Raid Weekends ?

In Clan Capital, Raid Weekend attacks are equivalent of attacking other villages in your Home Village, engaging in Versus Battles in Builder Base and attacking other villages in Clan Capital.

You raid districts of other clans Clan Capitals during Raid Weekends. On Raid Weekends, though, you are not up against another clan, unlike in regular Clan Wars.

There is no such thing as a "opponent" as clans you fight will not be same clans that attack you. You just attack other clans Clan Capitals and other clans attack your Clan Capital.

Main Goal in Raid Weekends ?

At Raid Weekends, the objective is to take down as many districts as you can. You gain more Capital Gold for more effective attacks.

Furthermore, at the end of Raid Weekend, you are awarded Raid Medals based on how many of your 5 (or 6 if you won your bonus attack) attacks you used, how many districts your 
clan destroyed and how successfully your districts defended against attacks from other clans. 

To put it briefly, your objective for Raid Weekends is to destroy districts in order to gain as many Capital Gold and Raid Medals as you can.

Is Capital Gold Important ? What Does It Do ?

Since capital gold is needed to upgrade or unlock all of Clan Capital's buildings you should collect as much of it as you can.

Capital Gold is needed to upgrade your district halls and capital hall, which opens up additional districts. It also unlocks and upgrades Army Camps, all troops (troops used during Raid Weekend attacks, not Home Village troops), defences, traps, and other features.

Why Are Raid Medals Important ? Where to use them ?

Raid Medals are not earned after every attack in Capital Gold, instead they are awarded at end of Raid Weekend based on number of attacks, districts your clan destroyed during weekend.

Also how well you clan defended your districts against attacks from other clans. Raid Medals are used in an entirely different way than Capital Gold.

Raid Medals currently serve no purpose in Clan Capital. You can use Raid Medals to buy valuable stuff like from the trader.

Trade Raid Medals for resources as shown:

Raid Medals - Weekly Deals - Clash of Clans 2023

You can trade raid medals for resources like gold, elixir, dark elixir, builder gold, builder elixir.

Trade raid medals for potions at trader. You can find weekly deals on the left of clan banner.

Buy Potions from Raid Medals Exchange

You can buy clock tower potions, builder star jar, power potion, hero potion,resource potion, research potion, training potion by exchanging them for raid medals.

In addition you can also use them to decorate your houses in clan capital or wall rings to upgrade your walls.

Weekly deals buy wall rings and clan house items

You can trade raid medals to get wall rings, clan house roof and clan house ground, roof and walls.

Furthermore You can add your own cc troops from clan banner as shown in image.

Clan Banner - Reinforce Clan Castle Troops

In this case we have selected super troops, you can select siege, normal troops or spells and use it as cc troop.

Super Troops Donation - Clan Banner CC Troops

Capital Raid Attacks

During Raid Weekends, each member of your clan can use 5 attacks. However, the first time you entirely destroy (3 star) a district, you gain a bonus attack (making a total of 6 attacks possible).

To be clear, although it is very difficult to destroy a district in single attack, you do not need to destroy a district from 0% to 100% destruction in order to receive this additional attack.

All you have to do is make sure your attack is last one to take down that district.

For example, if you attack a district that is already 70% destroyed and completely destroy it so you can receive your bonus attack.

Defending your Base

You have no control over base defence when other clans attack your districts because it functions similarly to your Home Village. Best thing you can do is use best capital layouts for your clan.

We have added best base for every capital hall level you can find them here: Top 10 Capital Hall Layouts Level 1-10 | Clash of Clans 2023

When receiving your Raid Medals at the end of the Raid Weekend, a portion of what decides how many Raid Medals you win is based on how effectively your districts defended against other Clans.

With that said, the quantity of Raid Medals obtained from defence is substantially lower than from attacking (around 25%), so while you should aim towards building strong districts, your attack is more important.

Upgrade Clan Capital Districts

As mentioned before in this guide, the only resource needed to upgrade your district buildings or defenses is Capital Gold. You need to upgrade your Capital Hall in your Capital Peak in order to open new districts (which is high priority because it allows you gain to more troops, spells and so on).

You have to build or upgrade more buildings as you advance in Capital Hall levels in order to advance your Capital Hall to next level.

There is no laboratory in Clan Capital for upgrading troops or spells, unlike in Home Village and Builder Base. Instead, each unit and spell has its own 'Barracks' (e.g., Sneaky Archer Barracks, Super Giant Barracks). 

All you have to do is upgrade Barracks first to get additional troops and spells.

There is no such thing as a builder in Clan Capital, unlike in your Home Village and Builder Base. This means that you can upgrade multiple buildings or defenses at same time.

However, in order to go through Clan Capital as quickly as possible, it is best if your clan plans upgrades rather than having dozens of partially completed upgrades at once.

Upgrade Priorities

As mentioned, it is crucial to work with your clan to prioritise upgrades in order to advance through Clan Capital as quickly as possible. Progress will be extremely slow if each clanmate upgrades in their own individual order.

Leaders should so make it a point to make everyone aware of the upgrading priority. Co-leaders or leader can set priority for different capital buildings as shown in image below.

Select building or defense that you want to set priority for:

Upgrade Priority - Clan Capital Guide

Now you see this building is prioritised and every one in clan can see it.

Set Priority for Buildings in Clan Capital District - Clash of Clans 2023

Priorities for upgrades are somewhat based on clans interest. While we believe there are some important buildings to upgrade first, you don't have to strictly stick to this priority list.

Having stated that, below are the overall upgrading priorities (with priority 1 being the most important).

It's worth noting that in Clan Capital, unfinished buildings are found in the 'Ruins' category.

This is vital to understand since it implies you must go through Ruins in each of your districts to see whether you haven't yet built something important (for example, an Army Camp).

New buildings and walls for existing districts becomes available whenever Capital Hall or District Halls are upgraded.

First Priority Upgrades

  • Capital Hall (i.e., the Hall inside Capital Peak area, whenever it is possible to upgrade it) is one of the first priority upgrades.
  • Army Camps and Spell Storages (creating new ones and upgrading existing ones to the maximum level) District Halls in all other districts
  • Upgrading your District Halls unlocks new Army Camps or new levels for current Army Camps.

Remember that having most troops and spells available for Raid Weekends is crucial, so keep an eye on this. In the Wizard Valley District, there is only one Spell Storage building.

Barracks for any new troops and spells (as well as upgrading existing Barracks for all of your clan's most frequently used troops to the maximum level)

Second Priority Upgrades

Upgrade Ruins - Clan Capital - Clash of Clans

Rebuild all available ruins, giving priority to those with stronger defences (remember, ruins with barracks fall under first priority upgrades).

There is no specific way to decide which ruins to unlock first following Barracks.

However, in general, I would urge you to prioritise: ruins with major defences, ruins with a few minor defences plus a lot of walls and so on.

Obstacles - Upgrade - Builders Workshop

What to do with Obstacles ?

You'll see that districts in Clan Capital have lot of obstacles like trees, rocks etc. Some of them can be removed immediately using Capital Gold, while others can be removed after reaching a particular District Hall level.

Removing obstacles with Capital Gold is generally inefficient (especially in low level Clan Capitals and recently unlocked districts) as Gold could be better used elsewhere.

Having stated that, it is true that sometimes obstacles will stand in the way of your basic design. Removing obstacles is important at higher levels.

If you looking to get 6th builder in home village then check this out:  How to Unlock 6th Builder - BOB | Clash of Clans 2023