Secret Trick to Join Clan and Recruit Members in Clash of Clans
You should also be careful when you promote players to Co-leaders as they can kick anyone in Clan. This can leave a lot of room for dirty politics if handled incorrectly.

Proven Trick to Join Clan and Recruit Top Players in Clash of Clans
First step to join clan for a new player would be to rebuild clan castle(cc) or you'll never be able to join any clan because option won't be available.
If you follow complete guide you'll learn how to use tags in clan chat to get attention of clanmates, bookmark clans, clan tags and clan invites plus learn how to recruit skilled players. You'll also be able to join best clans (From points 2 and 3).
- You should also be careful when you promote players to Coleaders as they can kick anyone in Clan.This can leave a lot of room for dirty politics if handled incorrectly.
- First steps will cover all basics these are still important steps because most of people skip it and end up with no players in clan.
- Furthermore all important steps are covered, for best results and value don't skip any steps in this guide.
You can rebuild your clan castle at town hall level 3 this is when you meet gold requirements for storage to build clan castle it will cost you 10k gold to build.
There is exception that gold brought from store can over flow storage and let you build clan castle quickly.
Clashcodes has added guides for clan capital upgrade and 6 easy ways to get free gems in clash of clans. Plus top coc bases are available from TH3 - TH16 Base Designs for Wars, Farming and Trophies with Link Included for Every Town Hall Level.
There are Pro Army Compositions added From Renowned Players Like Judo Sloth and Kenny Joe : Army for Every Town Hall Level
If you have just started playing clash of clans then you might be interested to check Top 10 Town Hall 2 Layouts
Once your clan castle is ready you'll be able to tap and find clan option to search for existing clan or you create your own clan. Get invited by clans or create your own clan.
1. Clan Label is Important to Search Clans Quickly
If you want to start your own clan then you'll pay some gold for it and also choose labels that focus on your play style.
Selection of label depends on your clan for example if our clan is active in wars and clan games then choose labels clan wars, clan war league and clan games.
Labels are available in your player profile, clan window and when your search other players from clan tab you can select upto 3 labels and search.
You can choose upto 3 label which best describes your clan this will help you get people quickly to join your clan.
- You can set clan goals labels like clan wars, clan war league, trophy pushing, friendly wars, clan games.
- There are more labels for builder base, base designing, farming, active donator, clan capital, active daily.
- And social labels like hungry learner, friendly, talkative, teacher, competitive, veteran, newbie, amateur attacker.
2. Clan Invites: This option will help other Clans Find you
Under your player profile you can tap on clan invites to adjust recruitment as shown in this image. You can also find clan tag for this arieluma clan.
Choose one of these options to recieve invites or no invites if you don't want to join clan.
Receive invites and be suggested: You can get invitation from Clans and show up as a suggested player for Clans. Receive invites: You'll recieve invitation but not show up under suggestions
No invites: You wont receive any invitation from clan this is good option when you already joined a clan and don't want to join other clan.
You can search for another clan in clans tab by typing clan name or tag. Use advanced options to search by war frequency, clan location, members count, clan points, clan and town hall level.
3. Locate Clan Tag First #2L8U89V2Y this is tag for Omega Clan
You can also use share icon next to it to copy and paste clan tag.
4. War Frequency will let other people know how often your clan participates in clan war
As a co-leader or leader to set go to My clan >> Home village>> Edit
War frequency is how often your clan participates in clan wars. You can set it to always, twice a week, once a week, rarely, never, not set. It all depends on your clan activity and clan leader.
- Also you can set clan type to anyone can join, open or closed.
- Clan location can be set for this you need to browse and choose where most of clan members are located in your clan. If people play from different part of world then choose international.
- You can also set chat language, minimum trophies or minimum town hall level required to join your clan.
- You can also check friendly wars which will allow other clans to send you friendly war challenges.
If you set to very low town hall levels then more people can join your clan. Also you can set public war log or make it private by unchecking.
5. Bookmark Clans to Join Later
Once you find a good clan you can bookmark it by clicking blue banner in top right corner of clan description, this will help you to visit that clan and join quickly from bookmarks which you find it under clans tab.
- Min clan points will tell you how active members are in multiplayer matches as its counted based on trophy.
- Higher clan points means there are high level players in that clan. Min clan level depends on experience points clan has gained from clan wars.
Clans can have up to 50 players and there 4 different positions like Member, Elders, Co-leader and Leader as shown in image below.