Top TH16 Anti 2 Star Clan War Base | Clash of Clans
Best TH16 bases for Clash of Clans with free copy links! Perfect for Legend League, Clan Wars, CWL defense and unbeatable ground and air troop layouts

Here are best TH16 Bases for Clash of Clans designed for winning Legend League, Home Village and Clan War Defense. Town hall is placed at center with Clan Castle placed in front of it and Scattershots placed on each side for balanced defense.
Air Defenses are highly effective against air troop attackers strategically placed to avoid being directly targeted.
Air Sweepers and Air Traps are placed to counter Blimp attacks effectively while Monolith and Clan Castle troops are in action. X-Bows are strategically set to target ground troops and they engage with enemy heroes right when they get near walls.
Clashcodes also has best TH16 Anti 3 Star Layouts For Clash of Clans that are highly effective against ground and air troops.
Wall layout is symmetrically designed to slow down ground troops making it challenging to score 3-star or even time fail.
These are Pro Bases For TH16 with Copy Base Links Included Perfect for Clan Wars and CWL.