Best Hero Equipment COC Guide

For Best Hero Equipment Upgrade Orders to Invest Ores You Should Start With Warden, Archer Queen, Barbarian King and Then at Last Royal Champion Equipments.

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Best Hero Equipment COC Guide
Best Hero Equipment COC Guide

Best Hero Equipment Clash Of Clans 2024

You'll be able to find best hero equipment and know why to use them and also see their maxed stats and learn how to invest ores and upgrade best hero equipment. You can switch to different hero equipments depending on attack strategy whether it is for high HP troops or low HP troops etc.

This guide will help you know where to invest your ores during hero equipment upgrade whether it is archer queen, barbarian king, grand warden or royal champion.

1. Barbarian King Hero Equipment Guide : First priority Upgrades

For barbarian king Giant Gautlet with Rage Vial is best choice. Gauntlet can be upgraded upto level 27 and rage vial to level 18 which makes it powerful hero gears.

You can get giant gauntlet under weekly deals for 1500 gems or wait for some good offers.

Giant Gauntlet - Barbarian King Hero Equipment - Clash Of Clans 2024

If you are looking for 6 Easy Ways To Get Free Gems - Clash of Clans then check this out so can upgrade or buy hero equipment quickly.

Maxed Giant Gauntlet Level 27 with Best Stats possible.

Giant Gauntlet Level 27 Maxed Best Hero Equipment

Hero Equipment Rage Vial Level 18 maxed.

Rage Vial Level 18 - Hero Equipment

Gautlet makes barbarian king bigger and stronger while rage vial makes it enraged like with rage spell. Every 3 level upgrade increases power significantly minimum level 15-18 is recommended as it will give good base stats.

From giant gautlet you increase DPS upto 180 and self healing every second upto 44, also damage reduction like 60% reduced till the ability duration which can be around 17 seconds for maxed gautlet. Remember all these stats are when maxed and till date and might increase with game updates.

Note : If you haven't unlocked 6th builder yet we highly recommend you to do so you can Unlock 6th Builder by Gearing Up Cannon, Archer Tower, Mortar - Home Village. One BB Troop Level 18, Total Hero Levels 45, Level 9 Any One Defense - Builder Base.

2. Archer Queen Hero Equipment Guide : Use ores for right equipment

For archer queen charge we dont recommend giant arrow as it reduces your chance to 3 star and not so strong when compared to other equipment abilities.
Upgrade hero equipments based on our own strategy.

Frozen arrow can be found under weekly deals for 1500 gems.

Frozen Arrow For Archer Queen - Weekly Deals

For queen charge invisibility vial is higly recommended as well as healer puppet as well as frozen arrow. Frozen arrow works well at level 18 and higher. Invisibility vial gives huge damage boost on queen like at level 18 you give 1740 extra damage. You can also be invisible for around 7.8 seconds and HP increase upto 700 at level 18 which is best stats for queen charge.

Invisibility Vial Level 18 Max Level with best stats.

Invisibility Vial Level 18 - Hero Equipment For Archer Queen

Healer puppet Level 18 with Max stats.

Healer Puppet - Archer Queen Hero Equipment

Hero puppet gets new healer levels for hero and additional healers for heroes upto 3 summoned units and summoned healer upto level 8. This is good choice for queen walk attacks.
You can use invisibility vial with hero puppet or frozen arrow at level 18 is good to go. You'll increase chances of 3 star if you use these hero equipments for your archer queen.

Tips: Best Clan Capital Upgrade Guide: Make Sure to Upgrade Army Camps and Barracks First. Raid Medals Can Be Used for Buying Potions, Gold, Elixir or House Items in Clash of Clans.

3. Grand Warden Hero Equipment Guide for Support and Warden Walk

Grand Warden has all best equipments that you can choose depending on if you need support or go for extra damage.

If you use dragons, root riders like troops with high HP then go with healing tome to heal your troops with eternal tomb combination. This will keep your troops alive longer.

Eternal Tome Level 18 - Grand Warden Hero Equipment

Healing tome max level 18 stats.

Healing Tome Level 18 - Grand Warden Hero

If your troops have lower HP like loons, miners, hogs etc then Life aura equipment works better and makes troops don't get down quickly from rage towers like from raged scattershots.

If you like warden walk with super bowlers then you need more damage ability on warden hero then life gem works perfectly giving good base stats and well as some HP increase.

Life gem maxed stats for max HP increase and Warden DPS

Life Gem Level 18 - Hero Equipment

If you run multiple hero charges at once then we recommend you then rage aura with fireball works very well with grand warden this is strong combination and causes high burst damage.

You could also use this equipment when doing warden blimp attacks to reach your blimp to core area of base like with super archers.

Fire Ball Level 27 for Grand Warden Hero is marked in red which gives good amount of damage.

Best Fireball Warden Hero Equipment

Rage aura or fireball works very well here, If you use rage aura then sending some loons gives bonus damage from rage with fireball use earthquake sepll or other to get max value.

Overall warden has all good equipments which works well depending on situations like said before.

Note: Loons Are Good When You Take Down Air Defenses First and Send Them to Last Remaining Air Defense if Any. Dominate Clash of Clans Attack Strategy and Clan Wars With Best Army Compositions for Town Hall Levels 4 - 13

Depending on what strategy you use like said before eternal tome is first thing you should upgrade first and don't need to max it out at start.

  • Life gem need to be maxed to get good value unlike eternal tome where you don't really need to max out for just few seconds additional invisibillity.
  • Grand warden need to be prioritised for hero equipments as this can be game changer when compared to other heroes.

This will have good impact on your atatck strategy when compared to archer queen or barbarian king equipments. This is why you upgrade warden equipments first to higher levels or max it out.

4. Royal Champion Hero Equipment Guide : The last hero that you need to upgrade

Royal champion is final hero that is good at finishing off last few defenses left. Royal champion is strong hero and equipment might have less impact when compared to main heroes. 

Haste vial is the best equipment to use for royal champion. The next equipment would be hog rider puppet when royal champ goes with hog riders for some extra protection.

Best Royal Champion Hero Equipment

If your royal champion moves along with root riders then you don't really need this protection with haste vial instead go for bonus damage with royal gem. For Best upgrade orders you should start with grand warden, archer queen, barbarian king and then at last royal champion equipments.

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