Best TH10 Anti Air Layout For Clan War | Clash of Clans
Get TH10 Anti Air base for Clan War in Clash of Clans. Unlock key upgrades, strategies and tips for Town Hall 10 including defense features and base designs #TH10AntiAirBase #ClashOfClansTH10
Town Hall 10 is one of the most iconic levels in Clash of Clans history known for its floating lava design. This is an Anti Air TH10 Base and funnelling troops would be a nightmare.
Here are some important upgrades and tips for Town Hall 10 players after latest update.
- You can unlock Builder's Apprentice to help speed up upgrades for your Builder and assign it once a day and leveling it up will make it work even faster.
- Use Miners to bypass walls and Bowlers to strike with powerful boulders.
- Clone Spell lets you create copies of troops while Bat Spell summons swarm of bats anywhere on active map.
- Inferno Towers are typically set to single target mode for dragon attacks and multi target mode for mass Balloon attacks.
- You need to upgrade to Town Hall level 11 to unlock Super Troops.
Air defenses are strategically placed making them less vulnerable to Zap Spell attackers due to their smart placements without any nearby defenses.
There are separate compartments for Single Inferno Towers, X-Bows and air defenses which makes this base powerful and hard to funnel.
Overall, we highly recommend using this base for Clan Wars as it is designed to be effective against all types of attacks.
Clashcodes has best TH10 base designs for Clan War, Farming and Trophies along with highest rated TH10 bases for Clash of Clans.