Best TH17 Legend League Layout For Clash of Clans
Best TH17 Anti 3 Base Designed for Legend League Season With Highly Effective Clan Castle, Fire Spitters, Scattershot Placed at Core Area to Prevent Enemy From Scoring 3 Star

Win Legend League season and Clan Wars with this TH17 anti 3 star base designed to crush hybrid attack strategies. With perfectly symmetrical defenses and tricky layers of walls this layout forces enemy troops to funnel incorrectly making it hard to score 3 star.
For strong TH17 bases try these layouts from : Insane TH17 Anti 2 Star War Base, Hybrid Anti 3 Star TH17 Layouts and TH17 Anti Everything Base.
Add Super Minions in your Clan Castle for additional defense and break troop funnels. Firespitters near Clan Castle are well protected by Scattershots causing high splash damage to enemy troops.
Air defenses are placed outside walls to engage early with air troops like electro dragon, loons or super dragons bringing them down quickly.
Pair this base with attack guides from world famous YouTubers like Galadon Gaming that breaks down TH17 smash strategies. Judo Sloth shows how to counter scattershots and Kenny Jo shares sneaky blimp tactics. Find latest patch notes: Clash of Clans Game Updates For Town Hall 17.