Insane TH17 Anti 2 Star Layout For Clan War
Dominate Clan Wars with this TH17 anti 2 star base! Double poison spell towers + centralized TH crush attackers. Copy layout via ClashCodes.

This is anti 2 star war base for TH17 that has double Poison Spell Towers and centralized Town Hall to crush attackers. Double poison combo (spell towers + Town Hall weapon) melts troops like Electro Dragons, Super Dragons or Hog Riders.
ClashCodes has top base designs for every Town Hall and Capital Hall level along with bonus guides on capital upgrades and tips to get last 6th builder and more.
Placing Lava Hound and Ice Golem in Clan Castle adds extra defense and can significantly slow down enemy troops.
Grand Wardens fireball attacks wont wreck this spread out base. Air defenses hit early while firespitters and air sweepers punish wrong side entries.
For more effective TH17 base designs check out these layouts:
For TH17 attack strategies check out videos from CarbonFin and Itzu. By using these TH17 bases and learning new troop strategies you can win defense and score 3 Star in Clan Wars.