Top 5 Best Dragon Cliffs Level 3 Layouts with Updated Links
Top 5 Best Dragon Cliffs 3 Layouts With Links for Clash of Clans - Clan Capital District! Strategically Designed to Counter Ground and Air Attacks. Copy Base Directly in Game
Top 5 Most Powerful Dragon Cliffs 3 Layouts with Links 2023
We have added best dragon cliffs 3 layouts that you can use in clan capital district in clash of clans.
Each of these layouts are strategically designed to effectively counter ground or air troop attacks.
Copy base link is provided for each dragon cliffs layout so you can view or copy base directly in game.
You can choose any one of these dragon cliffs 3 layout for your clan. All these layouts will work well against any troop attacks.
At No 5: Anti Everything Dragon Cliffs 3
District Hall is surrounded by inferno towers and blast bow along with super dragons guarding defenses as well as district hall.
4. Best Dragon Cliffs 3 Base - Anti Wizard
Blast bow is placed at center with inferno towers placed on each side to counter any super wizard attacks.
3. Compact Dragon Cliffs 3 - Anti Ground Layout
Defenses are closely placed to increase damage to enemy troops.
There are some advantages with compact placement of defenses like troops get hit hard with multiple defenses at same time.
2. Most Powerful Dragon Cliffs 3 Layout that we use in our clan
We have used this dragon cliffs 3 layout in our clan capital district. This is a extremely difficuly base to 3 shot in 3 attempts especially at this level.
Defenses are strategically placed to support each other. Even before enemy tries to figure out all troops will go down quickly.
1. Split Dragon Cliffs 3 Layout
Defenses are strategically spread out to cause time fail. Blast bow is placed along with super dragon to make it hard to enemy to take down defenses quickly.
Air Bombs are placed right next to each super dragon barracks to counter any air attacks.
SEE ALSO: Top 10 Best Capital Hall 4 Layouts with Copy Base Link Updated
If you are looking for best dragon cliffs 5 layout that we use in our clan then you can find it here: Best Dragon Cliffs Level 5 Layout with Link